Are You Ready for Generation Z?



In this article from the July 2019 edition of the Armstrong Craven Review, Ian Millard asks are you ready the next generation of talent? Generation Z.

Are You Ready for Generation Z?

What’s included in this article?

In this article from the Armstrong Craven Review, July 2019, our expert Ian Millard takes a look at the next generation of talent - Generation Z,  and how they will stamp their mark on society.

In this article, Ian delves into:

  • What will Generation Z want from the workplace?
  • Generation Z and its impact on Talent Sourcing
  • Interviewing and Selection
  • Millennials vs Generation Z
Gen Z want to know the good, the bad, and the ugly. They want to have a realistic look into what it is really like to work at your company. No company is perfect and this generation appreciates as much transparency as possible. 
It is predicted that Gen Z will bring new disruptions to organisations so understanding who this generation is, how they differ from their millennial predecessors and what their potential needs and demands are will put human resources and talent acquisition teams in the driving seat to attract and retain the talent they need to grow and thrive in the future.

Despite growing up in turbulent times, Gen Z are enthusiastic, optimistic and ambitious about their future careers and they could just be the most workforce-ready generation yet.

To see if you're ready for Generation Z, fill out the form above and download our article today.