Armstrong Craven Review Vol. 2



Our bi-annual report looking at the key business challenges HR & TA teams are facing and we share some of our market insight.

What is the Armstrong Craven Review?

The purpose of the AC Review is to discuss and highlight some of the key business challenges, Human Resource Teams and Talent Acquisition Teams are facing and share with you some of our market insight and give our insight into what we believe the landscape for the next 12 months looks like.

What are the topics covered in this edition?

The main areas of focus within the latest AC Review are centred around highly important HR and Talent Acquisition trends around the topics of;

  • Embracing the age-agnostic workplace – Jackie Bernard addresses how companies can embrace an age-agnostic workplace. 
  • Is it time for recruitment to become Agile? – The lessons recruitment can learn from tech teams to develop Agile processes.
  • The Rise of Digital - What's your strategy? – Jon Stephansen looks into the rise of digital.

Armstrong Craven publishes the Armstrong Craven Review, providing commentary on key HR and Talent Acquisition topics such as embracing the age-agnostic workplace, the rise of digital and whether it is time for recruitment to become agile. The Review is read by over 8,000 HR and Talent Acquisition leaders globally. If you would like to discuss Talent Intelligence in more detail, contact us today.