

The 8th instalment of the Review examines the role of shadow boards and how they can help to strategically align ESG opportunities within organisations. The Review analyses the continued evolution of hybrid working whilst asking: Is the employee rule book being rewritten? And by whom? We also look at emerging AI technologies and how recruiters can utilise these to enhance recruitment processes and DE&I.

What's inside Volume 8 of the Armstrong Craven Review?

In our latest edition, our experts delve into some of the key topics surrounding talent acquisition in the current climate, including: 

  • ESG and the Role of Shadow Boards
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and DE&I
  • The Continued Evolution of Hybrid Working
  • Succession Planning - Calculated Risk
  • As featured in theHRDIRECTOR

The current talent market has become more competitive than ever before. We are seeing louder, stronger demands from talent, hybrid working, wellbeing and mental health safeguarding and an acute lens on social responsibility. HR leaders need to think about their approach to talent innovation, mitigating leadership risk, embracing the multi-generational workplace and meeting the demands of ESG head-on to navigate the complex talent market.

Drawing from our unique research across HR and Talent Acquisition, we provide extensive insight into the most important topics and emerging talent trends. Previous reviews have featured articles on the challenges of scaling talent during the pandemic, the key drivers behind the surging demand for recruiters, unconscious bias and more.

Each insightful piece utilises our extensive research, experience and conversations with global TA and HR communities across a huge range of industries including tech, financial services, industrial, consumer, healthcare and life sciences. To download the Review today, complete the form above and discover the unique insights from our talent experts.