Global Trends/Local Implications - The impact on HR now and in the future



As part of our June 2018 Review, our expert Rachel Davis takes a look at the impact on HR now and in the future.

Global Trends/Local Implications - The impact on HR now and in the future

What’s included in this article?

In this article from the Armstrong Craven Review, June 2018, our expert Rachel Davis takes a look at the impact on HR now and in the future.

In this article, Rachel takes an insightful look at:

  • Diversity is more than gender
  • Off-shoring has had its day
  • Inclusion is now the priority
Diversity is not solely about gender; different countries and regions need to give different levels of priority to all elements of diversity 
This edition of the Armstrong Craven Review has focussed on the three of the most challenging areas for global businesses and their HR leadership – diversity, digitalisation and global footprint. 

But can they or should they be treated as discrete entities? And how can HR continuously adapt to ensure that all have the right focus across their business?

To find out more about this topic,  fill out the form above and download our article today.