Strategic v Operational Tensions in Talent Planning



As part of the 9th edition of the Armstrong Craven Review, this article explores the need for leaders to adapt to increased scrutiny and changing expectations relating to ESG and the importance of investing in developing strategic leadership talent. We also examine why organisations must integrate their internal and external talent management to deal with new challenges and trends effectively. Download this article to discover valuable insights and solutions that can help organisations stay ahead in a highly competitive talent market.

Recent years' unprecedented political, economic, and social events have made future business planning extremely difficult. We have yet to clearly see what the corporate world will look like after this period of disruption and this uncertainty creates tension. It is, therefore, vital for businesses to adopt a flexible approach to their talent strategies and workforce-planning.

Through our extensive research, this article explores the tensions currently impacting talent planning, and some fascinating common themes have emerged. 

A robust method of dealing with these tensions is by ensuring businesses have the right people to deal with unprecedented global events. 

Key topics we discuss in the article that will help support an effective talent strategy include: 

  • The rise of ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) - Businesses now have to consider different social factors when planning talent, including mental well-being, work/life balance, and creating a diverse and inclusive workforce. 
  • Increased Scrutiny on Leadership - The definition of what we see as a 'good leader' is shifting. What makes an effective leader in these turbulent times? How are leaders and organisations adapting to this scrutiny? 
  • Talent Market Assumptions - It has been common for organisations to develop a 'one size fits all’ approach to attracting and retaining talent. We discuss how major global shifts in recent years have forced organisations to check their assumptions and re-evaluate their approach to talent. 
  • Strategic Leadership Talent - We discuss the importance of not just recruiting influential leaders who bring in new behaviours and fresh approaches but ensuring businesses understand they need to invest support, time and resources to build the leadership team. 
  • Integrating Internal and External Talent Management - We explore why many organisations are focusing on skills over jobs when it comes to Succession Planning to support them in dealing with new challenges, tensions, and trends.  

Want to discover more? Complete the form above to download the full article from the Review.

With over 30 years experience on six continents, we are a global leader in supporting businesses with bespoke talent solutions. We have built an extensive network of meaningful partnerships with some of the most respected organisations in the world. Our industry-focused experts provide specialist talent-mapping, pipelining, deconstructed search and insights to help businesses ensure they can attract, hire and retain the scarce and senior talent they need on a global basis.