The Rise of Digital - What's your strategy?



In this article from the January 2019 edition of the Armstrong Craven Review, our expert Jon Stephansen looks into the rise of digital.

The Rise of Digital - What's your strategy?

What’s included in this article?

In this article from the January 2019 edition of the Armstrong Craven Review, our expert Jon Stephansen looks into the rise of digital.

In this article, Jon takes an insightful look at:

  • Access to talent pools more important than cost 
  • Where will digital talent be available and what industries will drive demand?
Digitalisation is on every CEO's mind. We know technology will have a major impact on business model innovation and that digitalisation is all about people and access to talent. Only the companies which have a clear digital talent strategy will manage to secure their share of the digital talent cohort

If you are planning our strategy to take your organisation forward to 2025, you will need to understand demographic and talent trends in your current and future markets. Only then can you plan for successful growth over the coming years. 

A severe shortfall in digital talent around the world is expected by 2020. As a result of the lack of required digital talent, a Gartner study expects 30% of tech jobs to remain unfilled. 

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